By using the Keck computing facilities, you have agreed
to adhere to the the Keck center's acceptable use policies (adapted
from the ETS acceptable
use policies):
In support of the University's mission of teaching, research, and
public service, the Keck center provides computing, networking, and
information resources to the University community. Access to Keck
facilities is a privilege conditioned upon your compliance with the
current Acceptable Use Policies. Please recognize that maintaining a
productive computing environment is a cooperative venture --
successful delivery of quality services depends on individual users
acting responsibly.
As a Keck user you have promised to know and abide by all Keck
Keck users are liable for any and all activities on their accounts.
All relevant federal and state laws, as well as University and campus
regulations and policies apply.
Examples of misuse include, but are not limited to, the activities in
the following list.
Violation of applicable federal or state laws and campus
regulations, including but not limited to the transmission of
threats, harassment, defamation, obscenity, and pornography;
theft of or unauthorized access or use of University
Copyright infringement. Be aware that reproduction or
distribution of copyrighted works, including, but not limited
to, images, text, or software, without permission of the owner
is an infringement of U.S. Copyright Law and is subject to
civil damages and/or criminal penalties including fines and
imprisonment. This includes activities such as making
software available for copying on your computer and connecting
that computer to the UCSD network (whether VPN or the
on-campus network).
Giving other people access to your computer account without
Keck authorization.
account sharing are generally indistinguishable from the
symptoms of account piracy. Sharing therefore creates an
emergency situation for system administrators and results in a
major waste of staff time.
Engaging in activities which compromise computer security or
disrupt services, at any site. Using resources or accounts
without authorization. Capturing passwords. Collecting or
using tools designed to check for computer system or network
security vulnerabilities without prior written approval from
Altering University system software or hardware
configurations or circumventing resource control mechanisms.
Knowingly running or installing on any computer system or
network, or giving to another user, a program intended to
damage or to place excessive load on a computer system or
network. This includes but is not limited to programs known as
computer viruses, Trojan horses, and worms.
Using facilities for commercial purposes, or personal
financial gain (except where permitted by academic policy).
This includes setting up a commercial Web site on your personal
computer which is made accessible to the world via a connection
to the UCSD network.
Sending electronic junk mail or chain letters.
Posting material to electronic bulletin boards, news groups,
or mail lists which is illegal, or otherwise at variance with
applicable codes or rules for network access and use (e.g.
Usenet rules published in news.announce.newusers)"
Engaging in activities which result in an excessive and
avoidable level of complaints to University officials. For
example, publishing controversial material without identifying
the individual or organization responsible for the publication
and without providing a clear means for direct feedback and
handling of complaints by the publisher.
Wasting resources; leaving non-essential processes running
when you are not logged in.
Tying up special equipment unnecessarily and thereby
preventing others from doing their work. Filling up public
areas of disk with large files. Running simultaneous compute
intensive jobs.
Using accounts for unauthorized purposes.
Violations of Keck policies may result in the disabling of an
account and loss of computing privileges. Additionally, violations
may subject the account holder to disciplinary action under University
regulations, and criminal prosecution under applicable statutes. Keck
reserves the right to disable accounts without notice to halt or
prevent suspected violations of computing policies. If you are unsure
about the permissibility of any behavior or use, send mail to
keck-help @
to request clarification.
Be aware that computer files, electronic mail and accounts are not
private in an absolute sense. Various persons such as instructors,
administrators and operations personnel have access to individual
accounts and files.
In conformance with
the UC
Electronic Mail Policy, Keck makes every effort to provide
reliable service, and respects the privacy of electronic mail. As a
practical matter, in order to provide technical assistance with
electronic mail, Keck treats requests for assistance as implied
consent to inspect electronic mail. Inspection is limited to that
necessary to render the requested assistance.
Email service may be interrupted or discontinued for operational needs
and when accounts are deactivated in accordance with established
account administration procedures.
Keck policy statements are updated as needed to address new
situations. All users are responsible for knowing current Keck
policy, which can be reviewed on-line.