Table of Contents
Available Software
These are some of the scientific packages installed on Keck Center workstations:
Installed software | Version | Executable |
Amber | 20 | sander, pmemd, pmemd.cuda |
Avogadro | 1.0.3 | avogadro |
APBS | 3.0.0 | apbs |
BrownDye | 2.0 | bd_top |
charmm | c41b2 | charmm |
Dalton | 2016.2 | dalton.x |
Dirac | 16.0 | dirac.x |
Gaussian | g16.B01 | g16 |
Gaussview | 5.0.9 | gview.exe |
Gromacs | 5.1.2 | gmx |
Matlab | 2018a | matlab |
moe | 2020 | moe |
MSMBuilder | 2.5 | misc. |
NAMD | 3.0 | namd3 |
ORCA | 5.0.1 | orca |
Pymol | 2.4.0 | pymol |
Rosetta | 3.9 | |
Schrodinger | 2021 | maestro |
VMD | 1.9.4 | vmd |
How to use it
The modules
package is used to manage, enable and configure scientific applications on the Keck Center workstations. To see what software is available run the following command:
module avail
you should see something similar to this:
# module avail -------------------------------------- /software/modules/compilers -------------------------------------- gcc/4.8 gcc/4.9 gcc/5.5 gcc/7.3 gcc/8.1 icc/2018.3.222 --------------------------------------- /software/modules/python ---------------------------------------- anaconda2 anaconda3 --------------------------------------- /software/modules/nonfree --------------------------------------- intel/common/2018u2 intel/mkl/2018u2 intel/tbb/2018u2 matlab/2015b intel/compilers/2018u2 intel/mpi/2018u2 intel/vtune/2018u2 matlab/2018a ----------------------------------------- /software/modules/mpi ----------------------------------------- openmpi/1.10 openmpi/2.0.2 openmpi/3.0.0 openmpi/3.1/3.1.3 openmpi/1.10.6 openmpi/2.1 openmpi/3.1/3.1.0 openmpi/3.1/3.1.4 openmpi/2.0 openmpi/3.0 openmpi/3.1/3.1.2 ---------------------------------------- /software/modules/cuda ----------------------------------------- cuda-10.1 cuda-7.5 cuda-8.0 cuda-9.0 cuda-9.1 cuda-9.2 ---------------------------------- /software/modules/moleculardynamics ---------------------------------- amber/16 moe/2016 pymol/ amber/18 moe/2018 pymol/2.1.1 apbs/2018.2.1 moe/2019 pymol/2.3.0 autodock/4.2.6 namd/2.12-multicore rosetta/3.5 blender/2.79-git namd/2.12-multicore-CUDA rosetta/3.9 browndye/2018.5.1 namd/2.13-multicore schrodinger/2018u4 browndye/2.0-2018.6.12 namd/2.13-multicore-CUDA schrodinger/2019u1 charmm/41b2 openeye/2018 schrodinger/2019u2(default) do_x3dna/2016.4 openeye/2019(default) situs/2.8 gromacs/2018.3-ubuntu pdb2pqr/2018.2.1 vmd/1.9.3 gromacs/5.1.2 povme/2.0 vmd/1.9.4a35 mgltools/1.5.7rc1 povme/2018.6.21-git x3dna/2.3 modeller/9.19 povray/3.7 xmgrace/5.1.25 ----------------------------------------- /software/modules/qm ------------------------------------------ dftbplus/18.1(default) gaussian/09.d01 orca/4.0.1 dftbplus/openmpi/1.10/18.1 gaussian/09-D01 orca/ dftbplus/openmpi/2.0/18.1 gaussian/16.B01-avx2 orca/4.1.1 dftbplus/openmpi/2.1/18.1 gaussian/16.B01-sse4 orca/4.2.0 dftbplus/openmpi/3.0/18.1 gaussview/5.0.9 postg/2018-06-12 dftbplus/openmpi/3.1/18.1 nbo/6.0 gaussian/09.c01 orca/4.0.0 ------------------------------------ /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles ------------------------------------- dot module-git module-info modules null use.own ------------------------------------------- /etc/modulefiles -------------------------------------------- mpi/openmpi-x86_64
To actually use one of the installed application you need to load the application's environment first and then start the application. For example, to run pymol
you need to execute these two steps:
module load pymol/2.3.0 pymol
To get help about the package:
module help namd/2.13-multicore
You can find more information about the modules management package on this help page. Also here is the module man page.
Application specific notes
If you want to run Gaussian or Gaussview you have to be added to the Gaussian unix group - please contact for assistance.
Running non-interactive long jobs
The Keck workstations can be used to run non-interactive, long, computationally intensive jobs. All these jobs must be submitted through the SLURM queue manger. More information can be found here.